In the beginning there was the code

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Created: March 19, 2016 / Updated: December 12, 2016 / Status: finished / 2 min read (~266 words)

  • All the universe is computed by a short computer program (suggested by Konrad Zuse in 1977)
  • To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail, to a man with a computer, everything looks like a computation
  • How to compute all possible universes?
    • Systematically enumerate all programs through a program
    • Allocate runtime to each of these programs in an optimal way that makes sure that each possible universe history is computed as quickly as if it were computed by this universe fastest program (which we do not know in advance), safe of a constant factor which does not depend on the size of the universe history so far
  • We program simulated worlds inhabited by simulated agents driven by simulated artificial brains containing simulated artificial neural network
  • In the beginning, these AI are very dumb, but over time they become smarter through pseudo-random trial and error they figure out how solve problems they couldn't solve before
  • They have no idea that every single thought of their little artifician brains and the little artificial neural networks in their brain is totally deterministically computed by a program that does not have any random aspects
  • Every person in our current universe is essential to it as their current action/state is the shortest program that could be generated to represent the universe
  • In a sense, this is compatible with religions that claim that all is one and everything is connected to everything