David Silver - Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm (2017)

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Created: December 6, 2017 / Updated: March 22, 2020 / Status: finished / 2 min read (~256 words)

  • Instead of an alpha-beta search with domain-specific enhancements, AlphaZero uses a general-purpose Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS) algorithm
  • The AlphaZero algorithm described in this paper differs from the original AlphaGo Zero algorithm in several respects
    • AlphaGo Zero estimates and optimises the probability of winning, assuming binary win/loss outcomes. AlphaZero instead estimates and optimises the expected outcome, taking into account of draws or potentially other outcomes
    • In AlphaGo Zero, self-play games were generated by the best player from all previous iterations. After each iteration of training, the performance of the new player was measured against the best player; if it won by a margin of 55% then it replaced the best player and self-play games were subsequently generated by this new player. In contrast, AlphaZero simply maintains a single neural network that is updated continually, rather than waiting for an iteration to complete
    • In AlphaZero we reuse the same hyper-parameters for all games without game-specific turning. The sole exception is the noise that is added to the prior policy to ensure exploration; this is scaled in proportion to the typical number of legal moves for that game type
  • AlphaZero searches just 80 thousand positions in chess and 40 thousand in shogi, compared to 70 million for Stockfish and 35 million for Elmo
  • AlphaZero compensates for the lower number of evaluations by using its deep neural network to focus much more selectively on the most promising variations - arguably a more "human-like" approach to search, as originally proposed by Shannon