Embedded system

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Updated: May 16, 2018 / Status: unknown / 2 min read (~335 words)

The goal of this embedded system, which was mounted on a 2 wheels, 2 ball-bearing base, was to accomplish a series of tasks. More specifically:

  • Navigate a grid based map, following black duct tape assembled in a grid fashion
  • Go from a point A to a point B on the grid which has the duct tape line (director) removed
  • Detect magnets at every grid position and then solve the 8 queens problem (using the detected magnets as queens positions)
  • Avoid a wall place on an adjacent row of the grid, using distance detector to tell if there's a hole in the wall we can go through
  • Avoid a post on a certain grid coordinate, using distance detector
  • Do rotations at a specific location, rotating at a specific angular velocity based on the proximity of a hand from the detector. Robot had to detect its grid orientation

This robot was using the following sensors/outputs to accomplish those tasks:

  • Infrared detector
  • LCD display
  • Status LED
  • Lynx Motion (line detector)
  • Magnetic field sensor
  • Motors
  • Sonar
  • Piezo electric sound emitter


 * \brief La classe principale qui se charge des différents périphériques.
class Robot{
    //! Pointeur vers l'instance actuelle du robot
    static Robot* instance_;
    //! État du reset
    static bool reset;

    //! Constructeur
    //! Obtenir l'instance du robot
    static Robot* getInstance();
    //! Destructeur

    //! Initier le robot
    void init();
    //! Réinitialiser le robot (soft reset)
    void resetRobot();
    //! Boucle infinie principale
    void fonctionner();
    //! S'occupe d'envoyer le robot dans l'épreuve
    void tomberDansEpreuve();

    //! Se charge d'effectuer la bonne interruption
    void doInterrupt();

    // Péripheriques
    Infrared infrared;
    Lcd lcd;
    Led led;
    LynxMotion lynxMotion;
    Mfs mfs;
    Motor motor;
    Sonar sonar;
    Sound sound;

    // Outils
    QueenTracker queenTracker;
    LineTracker lineTracker;

    // Epreuves
    EviterMur eviterMur;
    EviterPoteau eviterPoteau;
    ArcManquant arcManquant;
    VitesseAngulaire vitesseAngulaire;
    CalculerReine calculerReine;

    // Le robot a termine?
    bool termine;
    // Etat actuel du robot
    uint8_t mEtat;

    // Compteur temporaire pour changer x et y
    uint8_t tmpCounter;

    // Timer a time out pour definir les coordonnees au debut
    uint8_t timeOut;

