Planning large software projects

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Created: November 6, 2020 / Updated: January 28, 2021 / Status: draft / 1 min read (~139 words)
software development projects
  • List all the features you would like to develop
  • Define an appetite for the task (day, week, month, quarter)
  • Identify the features where the appetite differs between individuals and discuss them to reach consensus
  • Define the roles necessary to complete the task
  • Identify dependencies between features
  • Categorize the dependencies
    • Soft: somewhat depends on this other feature but isn't blocked by its absence from the codebase
    • Hard: depends on this other feature and is blocked by its absence from the codebase
  • Prioritize the features
  • Estimate the value of a features in dollars
  • Calculate a ROI (return on investment) as the estimated value of the feature divided by the defined appetite
  • Order tasks according to dependencies and ROI