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Created: April 23, 2023 / Updated: May 22, 2024 / Status: in progress / 1 min read (~143 words)

Human beings like to anthropomorphize things. We like to give things human characteristics. We do this with animals and even objects that are not even alive. We do this with computers, too. We give them names, we talk to them, we treat them like they are people. We even give them human characteristics, like emotions and feelings.

In this study, we explore the idea of anthropomorphizing ChatGPT. We will give ChatGPT human characteristics, like emotions and feelings, and we will give ChatGPT a name.

  • Create agents that have names, specializations, and personalities/preferences
  • How can agents with different personalities interact with each other?
  • How can agents with different personalities interact with humans?
  • How can agents initiate dialog?