18 Dec 2021

Learning - 2015

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~31 words)
  • Composer (proxy + client)
  • Anatomy
  • Webpage crawling
  • Chrome api
  • pico
  • anki server protocol
  • Semantic versioning
    • building a phar
    • php parsing
    • releasing php open source software
  • laravel
  • cordova
    • ionic framework
  • nodejs
    • debugging
    • profiling
18 Dec 2021

Learning - 2014

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~3 words)
  • Apiary
  • API writing
18 Dec 2021

Learning - 2016

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~18 words)
  • Go
  • Typescript
  • Logic
  • Tensorflow
  • Various math concepts (thanks to project Euler)
  • Neuroscience
  • Automata theory
  • Self-reproducing automata
  • Cognitive science
18 Dec 2021


History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~43 words)

Every year I learn new things. In the articles listed below I record the various things I've learned over the years.

24 Jul 2021

Book rating

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~124 words)

In this article I define a 1-5 rating scale for books in order to be consistent across my evaluations. Given that rating books is somewhat subjective, introducing some amount of standardization on how I rate them should help with managing my reading.

Format of presentation:

Score (from 1 to 5) Representative emoji

  • Satisfaction
  • Words expressing the level of satisfaction
  • Strength of recommendation

1 🤮

  • unsatisfactory
  • very bad, horrible, boring, repetitive, disagreeable to read, waste of time, can't force myself to read
  • strongly not recommended

2 ☚ī¸

  • unsatisfactory
  • bad
  • not recommended

3 😐

  • satisfactory
  • neutral
  • might want to read

4 â˜ēī¸

  • satisfactory
  • good
  • recommended

5 😍

  • satisfactory
  • very good, great, amazing, exciting, intriguing, fascinating, full of new knowledge, can't stop reading
  • strongly recommended